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Healthcare professional under reprisal



If you believe you are under career-threatening reprisal by your healthcare organization, take the following inventory:


1.   How do I document reprisal by my organization?

a.   I submitted a constructively critical document to protect patients from harm, or to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse.

b.   I have evidence of immediate threat or warning from a member of the leadership after I submitted the document.

c.   ……………

2.   How do I protect against further reprisal?

a.   To whom should I make a report of reprisal?

b.   What about the press?

c.   ……………

3.   How do I have false and misleading documents expunged from my records?

a.   To what authority and to which laws can I appeal?

b.   How can I continue to work while such expunging of documents is pending?

c.   ……………

4.   How do I move on with my life?

a.   What professional licenses or certificates can I secure in these circumstances?

b.   …………..

5.   How do I protect my family from becoming casualties of despair in this situation?

a.   …………..


(To be continued…..)


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